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Key Roles in Government and Public Safety Communications: Who Does What in the Communications Department?

Navigating through the job titles in a communication department can be a daunting task, as there are many of them. But don't worry, we have got you covered! We have compiled a thorough list with a brief overview of each role's responsibilities to provide you with a clear understanding of what they entail.

Common Job Roles in Public Comms

Communications Officer

A Communications Officer develops and implements strategies to enhance the communication efforts of an organization. This role often involves crafting internal and external communications, managing organizational messaging, and coordinating with different departments to ensure consistency in public messages. Unlike a Public Information Officer who mainly interacts with the media and public during events and crises, Communications Officers often handle a broader scope of day-to-day communications.

Media Relations Specialist

Media Relations Specialists focus specifically on building and maintaining relationships with the media. They create press releases, organize press conferences, and work directly with journalists to promote their organization’s image and news. This role is more narrowly focused on media interactions compared to a Public Information Officer, who might also engage directly with the public or other external stakeholders.

Press Secretary

Typically found in political settings, Press Secretaries are responsible for handling all communications from a politician or government office to the media. They brief the press, prepare statements for public dissemination, and often serve as the official spokesperson in times of crisis. This role is highly political and more reactive to news cycles than the broader communication strategy role of a PIO.

Corporate Communications Specialist

Corporate Communications Specialists manage the communication efforts within a corporate environment, focusing on brand management, internal employee communication, and stakeholder engagement. They create content for various platforms to enhance the company’s public profile and employee relations. This role differs from a Public Information Officer by its focus on brand consistency across all forms of corporate communication and its stronger emphasis on internal communications.

Community Relations Officer

Community Relations Officers focus on building and maintaining relationships between their organization and the local community. They often organize events, manage community outreach programs, and address community concerns directly related to the organization’s operations. Their role is more localized and community-focused compared to the broader media and public focus of a PIO.

Public Relations Manager

Public Relations Managers oversee the public image of an organization. They develop PR campaigns, manage crises, and strategize on how best to portray their organization to the public and media. Unlike PIOs, who may focus more on information dissemination during specific events or crises, PR Managers have a broader role that includes long-term reputation management.

External Affairs Coordinator

External Affairs Coordinators manage relationships between their organization and external stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, and the private sector. They strategize on partnership opportunities and coordinate public policy advocacy efforts. This role is more focused on strategic alliances and policy impacts than the generally more communication-focused role of a PIO.

Government Affairs Officer

Government Affairs Officers work on behalf of their organization to monitor and influence policy developments. They engage with legislators, government agencies, and policy makers to advocate for regulations and policies that favor their organization’s interests. This role is distinctly more focused on policy and legislative impact than the typically broader communicative role of a PIO.


A Spokesperson is designated to represent an organization publicly, delivering official statements or opinions during interviews and press conferences. This role is similar to that of a PIO but often does not include the broader strategic planning of communication or media relations activities.

Public Affairs Specialist

Public Affairs Specialists handle both media and community relations to enhance public perception and awareness of an organization. They often work within government agencies or large corporations to manage communication strategies that encompass public issues and interests. This role combines elements of media relations and community engagement, unlike the PIO’s more focused role during crises.

Crisis Communications Manager

Crisis Communications Managers specialize in handling communications during emergencies or controversies. They develop crisis response strategies, manage communication with all stakeholders, and work to mitigate damage to the organization’s reputation. Their focus is more specialized in crisis situations compared to the generalist role of a PIO.

Communications Director

Communications Directors lead the communications department and are responsible for all communication strategies and efforts within an organization. They oversee the development of communication plans, media relations, and internal communications. This role is more strategic and senior, overseeing the work that a PIO might be directly involved in.

Outreach Coordinator

Outreach Coordinators manage programs and events that connect their organization with the community or specific target groups. They plan and execute outreach strategies to engage the public in their organization’s activities and missions. This role is more focused on direct engagement activities rather than the broad communication strategies handled by PIOs.

Public Relations Officer

Public Relations Officers develop and maintain a positive public image for their organization. They create promotional campaigns, interact with the media, and engage in event management to enhance public perception. This role often overlaps with that of a PIO but tends to have a broader focus on promotional activities.

Public Engagement Coordinator

Public Engagement Coordinators facilitate interactions between their organization and the public. They organize forums, workshops, and interactive sessions to gather public

Social Media Manager

Social Media Managers develop and implement strategies to enhance the organization's presence on social media platforms. They curate content, engage with followers, and analyze engagement data to improve social media campaigns. This role is crucial for communicating in real-time and reaching younger demographics.

Public Relations Coordinator

Public Relations Coordinators assist in creating and maintaining a positive public image for the organization. They help organize press conferences, prepare media materials, and support the execution of public relations campaigns. This role supports broader PR objectives and often involves hands-on organizational tasks.

Digital Content Strategist

Digital Content Strategists focus on creating and managing content across digital platforms, including websites and mobile applications. They ensure that content is optimized for SEO, aligns with the organization's messaging goals, and effectively reaches target audiences. Their role is critical in planning and executing content calendars and strategies.

Video Production Specialist

Video Production Specialists handle the creation of video content for various purposes, such as public information campaigns, training videos, and live event broadcasting. They manage all aspects of video production from scripting to editing. This role is key for engaging the public in a visually compelling way, especially in safety and emergency communications.

Crisis Communication Advisor

Crisis Communication Advisors specialize in formulating responses during emergencies and critical situations. They prepare statements, coordinate with various stakeholders, and ensure that communications are clear, accurate, and timely during crises. Their expertise is essential for maintaining public trust and safety during emergencies.

Community Outreach Specialist

Community Outreach Specialists organize and execute programs that engage and inform the public on various issues and initiatives. They build relationships with community leaders and groups to facilitate cooperation and support for government or safety projects. This role is focused on face-to-face interaction and community engagement.

Internal Communications Manager

Internal Communications Managers ensure that employees within the organization are well-informed about internal developments, policies, and procedures. They create newsletters, emails, and conduct meetings to keep staff updated and aligned. This role is crucial for maintaining internal morale and coherence in messaging.

Media Buyer

Media Buyers handle the procurement of media space and time for advertising and public service announcements. They negotiate with media outlets to secure optimal placements and rates. This role is essential for cost-effective media planning and buying, crucial in public sector communications to ensure taxpayer money is used efficiently.

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designers create visual content that communicates messages effectively across various mediums such as print, digital, and outdoor. They work closely with other team members to ensure that the visual aspects of communications align with overall strategy. This role is crucial for visual impact in public campaigns.

Web Communications Specialist

Web Communications Specialists manage online content and user experience on organizational websites. They ensure that the website is functional, user-friendly, and up to date with the latest information. Their role is key in maintaining an effective online presence that serves public needs.

Event Coordinator

Event Coordinators plan and execute public events such as press conferences, public forums, and promotional activities. They handle logistics, coordinate with different teams, and ensure that events run smoothly. This role is vital for successful public engagement and information dissemination through events.


Speechwriters craft speeches, statements, and talking points for organizational leaders, particularly in governmental or public safety contexts. They ensure that communications are compelling and align with strategic messaging. This role is critical for effective public and stakeholder communication in formal settings.